Case Study
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Companies may be incorporated in Hong Kong
for a broad variety of business purposes:
Banking and Financing
- Banking facilities in Hong Kong utilize convenience internet banking with no foreign exchange control.
- Bank accounts can be opened for Hong Kong companies in different currencies with international banks.
- Beneficial owner can access their bank accounts from overseas via computer network, and can manage remittance accordingly.
- Investment accounts for securities, bonds, options, precious metals etc. can also be opened for Hong Kong companies. All activities can be managed by investor with an agreement in advance.
- Hong Kong is world’s equity funding leader and has also maintained top five ranking in the global IPO market for the past decade. Hong Kong companies can be a potential enterprise in HK GEM market.
- Hong Kong companies can engage in trading activities e.g. handling shipment of goods, invoicing and letters of credits etc.
- Trading businesses can be operated remotely with well-developed technology
- Many Hong Kong companies are used for re-invoicing purposes in taking a role as the middle trading firm.
- Profit made on buying goods from one country (e.g. PRC) and reselling to another (e.g. Europe) will be tax-free as goods are shipped directly between two countries- without physically stopping by Hong Kong.
Market Entry
- Tourism is one of Hong Kong’s four key industries. Many Hong Kong companies engage in consumer market or food and beverage sector, and can manage their direct and indirect business (e.g. purchase/ distribution works, manpower managing, financing control)
- The creative industries have been identified as a strong driving force for the future development, with the Government highly supportive of new creative enterprises.
- Hong Kong is a regional hub for media and creative-related industries and offers a range of exciting opportunities.
- Hong Kong companies can manage a planning public performance, financing matters, control service company, manpower control and so on.
- Overseas commissions, royalties from patents, books, rights, consultation fees, rental fees, interest, dividends etc. are tax free in Hong Kong and can be received in the name of a Hong Kong company.
- Asset holding : Hong Kong companies may hold overseas or local real estate, vessels, companies, stock, etc. to protect owners from estate tax, probate, and divorce settlements. Asset can change hands easier and cheaper by transferring the shares of the holding company
- Hong Kong offer easy access – commercially and geographically – to Mainland China business opportunities. Hong Kong companies can be a strategic base to enter the market in Mainland China. Especially, Hong Kong companies can have many advantages in managing the business of Mainland China. (e.g. an easy processing a settlement of payment, preventing foreign exchange loss, utilizing profits as alternative purpose)